Hi Julia:
The Chapter numbering and the page numbering and the figure numbering are
independent in Word. So you "can" have anything you want, including Chapter
0. However, forcing a Chapter 0 is not a "nice" way to do things and it
looks a bit odd.
Before setting out to do this, I would have a detailed chat with your
husband's supervisor: allowing numbered figures and tables in the
"Introduction" would be very unusual. In fact, having any "useful" content
at all in the Introduction is normally regarded as a very poor publication
design. Introductions, prefaces, acknowledgements etc are generally
designed as "vanity" sections that could be discarded without altering the
content of the book.
Then again, including the chapter number in either the page number or the
caption number is also bad design. However, nothing will talk UC Berkeley
out of it, so you're stuck with that. One of our members here teaches at UC
so he can set me right if that's not the case
OK, to include a chapter number in a caption you use two fields. A "field"
is a little piece of generated code that tells Word to compute and generate
the text that is the "result" of the field. Look "Fields" up in the Word
help and read it carefully: you're about to need them. The key things to
remember about fields are that they do not contain the text that gets
printed: that does not appear until you display or print a field. And a
field must be "updated" before it prints anything at all. There are three
kinds of fields: usually known as Hot, Warm, and Cold.
A Hot field is updated automatically and continuously by Word: the page
number is an example. A Warm field is also updated automatically by Word,
but only when it needs to be: an INCLUDETEXT field is an example. A cold
field is updated only when you specifically update it: the TOC and the
fields you are about to use are examples of these.
Normally, a Caption is composed of some text and a SEQ field. A SEQ field
generates the next sequential number, with reference to the SEQ field that
appears before it in the document. It contains some "switches" which
control its behaviour: the ones you are interested in are the "\s" and "\r"
switches. Look up SEQ fields in the Word Help now, then come back here...
You need to ensure that your chapter headings are formatted with the
built-in style Heading 1. If they are not, change that now.
You then add the "\s 1" switch to your Caption SEQ fields. Don't do this
yet: Word will do it automatically in a minute. This causes Word to reset
the SEQ field to "1" after each chapter heading appears. That takes care of
your figure number.
Now, to get your Chapter number in to the caption, we normally use a
StyleRef field: look those up in the Help now, then come back.
Make sure that your Chapter Number in your Chapter Heading is being
generated by the Heading 1 style. Use Format>Style>Modify>Numbering and
choose the sample that shows "Heading 1, Heading 2 etc " in its sample. The
important parts of what I am saying here are that the style in use for
Chapter Headings MUST be Heading 1. The Numbering MUST be defined as part
of the Style definition, not added directly to the paragraph. And the type
of numbering you choose MUST be an Outline type that shows the words
"heading 1, heading 2..." in its sample.
You can do things other ways, but I won't live long enough to type out the
instructions, and if you do it some other way without detailed instructions
it won't work at all
Now you add a StyleRef field to your Caption, choosing "Heading 1" as your
style and "\n" as the switches. To do this, use Insert>Caption and choose
Numbering. Check "Include chapter number" and choose "Heading 1" for
'Chapter starts with...'. That automatically creates a caption with the
correct fields in it for you. Having got one right, I would select it and
make it an AutoText so you can use this as a model for all of your other
That takes care of the caption numbering in the body of the manual, and sets
things up so everything else works right and we know what state the document
is in. Now for the Front Matter...
To emulate the Chapter Number in the front matter captions, the simplest
thing to do is copy a Caption from the Body, then simply delete the first
number: the StyleRef field, and type what you want to see there.
You need to format the headings in your Front Matter with a different style.
You must not have a Heading 1 style appearing in the manuscript ahead of
Chapter 1. Use any style you like for this. I usually make one called
Front Matter Heading. Whatever you call it, it should have no numbering
If you want, you "can" add numbering as a separate list from that in your
Headings, but let's keep this simple. There can be only one Headings list
in your document, and we want it to start at "1" for Chapter 1.
If you want to be technically adventurous, you can do this: place a
bookmark around label you are using in your front matter -- let's say you
have called it "Introduction". Now you can add a simple cross-reference to
that in place of the StyleRef field in your front matter captions. This
copies the word "Introduction" for you.
Finally, select your Table of contents and choose Insert>Index and
Tables>Table of Contents. Check that "Formats" is set to "From template".
If it is set to anything else, you cannot control the formatting of the TOC.
"From Template" is a miss labelling; the format is actually saved in the
document, but you know what I mean.
Now, click Options and ensure "From styles" is checked. Word should
automatically have selected heading 1, Heading 2 and Heading 3 for you, and
assigned them the levels 1, 2 and 3. Which gives them the styles TOC 1, TOC
2 and TOC 3. And that's how you format the TOC, by changing the definitions
of those styles
In that list, find the heading style you created for your front matter
headings, and give that Level 1 as well.
OK your way out, and the job is done
Hope this helps
This responds to article <
[email protected]>,
from "Julia in Wisconsin said:
I'm trying to get my husband's thesis ready for submission
(UC-Berkeley in case anyone has personal experience) and I have a
formatting problem. I would like to have an introduction prior to
Chapter 1, with pages numbered i, ii, iii, iv, etc. The introduction
contains figures and tables, which I would like to be numbered 0-a,
0-b or Intro-a, Intro-b, etc.
The main text will start with Chapter 1, and the pages will be
numbered 1,2,3, etc. For my captions, figures and tables will be
numbered 1-a, 1-b, etc.
I tried using the captions feature, but Word won't allow a Chapter
"0." I also need to have the Introduction included in the table of
I appreciate any advice,
Julia in Wisconsin
Please respond only to the newsgroup to preserve the thread.
John McGhie, Consultant Technical Writer,
McGhie Information Engineering Pty Ltd
Sydney, Australia. GMT + 10 Hrs
+61 4 1209 1410, mailto:
[email protected]