I'd like to automatically number chapters as follows:
Chapter #
Chapter Title
#.1 Sub title
#.2 Etc...
How do I do this?
I've managed to get the styles to work, but when it comes to number
the Chapter # value, when I use the SECTION field entry, it counts the
number of sections rather than the chapter number. I.e. if I have 3
roman numeral sections, followed by an arabic numbered section, it
will have
Chapter 4
Chapter Title
1.1 Sub Title
1.2 Etc...
Thanks in advance!
I'd like to automatically number chapters as follows:
Chapter #
Chapter Title
#.1 Sub title
#.2 Etc...
How do I do this?
I've managed to get the styles to work, but when it comes to number
the Chapter # value, when I use the SECTION field entry, it counts the
number of sections rather than the chapter number. I.e. if I have 3
roman numeral sections, followed by an arabic numbered section, it
will have
Chapter 4
Chapter Title
1.1 Sub Title
1.2 Etc...
Thanks in advance!