Char(13) added word2003 variable and cells



it work's well in word97 since a while..
but now from word 2003???
I have vbs code directy on the word document, with the
help of a third party software, when it time to print the .doc
it doesn't work if the variable contain char(13) and if it is
in a cell of a table instead it sends an empty square from I don't know
where in the ascii code. I thought it was only for mainframe this kind
of bizarre code !!! it works well when the variable is not in a table.
What can I do???
Carriage return is a very important function.....and the cell contain
address !!!

Something sure it's not the third party software because it send variable in
word doc and it works well outside of the table.....



Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi =?Utf-8?B?YmFyYg==?=,

You simply don't provide enough information for us to be able to help you. We'd
probably need to see the VBA code, an example of what it's producing, and
another example of what you'd expect it to generate.

FWIW, a table cell ALWAYS contains two characters, stuffed into the end-of-cell
marker: a Chr(13) & Chr(7). You always need to write your code to cut off the
last two characters you're picking up from a cell RANGE (or the last character
from a cell SELECTION)

Note also that it's generally best to post VBA questions in one of the word.vba
it work's well in word97 since a while..
but now from word 2003???
I have vbs code directy on the word document, with the
help of a third party software, when it time to print the .doc
it doesn't work if the variable contain char(13) and if it is
in a cell of a table instead it sends an empty square from I don't know
where in the ascii code. I thought it was only for mainframe this kind
of bizarre code !!! it works well when the variable is not in a table.
What can I do???
Carriage return is a very important function.....and the cell contain
address !!!

Something sure it's not the third party software because it send variable in
word doc and it works well outside of the table.....

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 8 2004)

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