Character appearing at the end of each Line break



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel
Email Client: pop

Hi guys,

I'm having an issue that is very perplexing. Today (no doubt by accidentally hitting a keyboard shortcut) I activated a function that puts and "A" at the end of each hard-return (line break). I have searched far and wide and cannot figure out how to disable this function.

Please help!


Sorry I forgot to mention that the program I'm having an issue with is Entourage (Office 2004).

William Smith [MVP]

Sorry I forgot to mention that the program I'm having an issue with
is Entourage (Office 2004).

Entourage itself has no feature that would enable this to happen. Can
you post a screenshot with an example of a few lines?

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William Smith [MVP]

Here is a screen shot of the problem in effect

Really interesting!

I suspect you may have an AutoCorrect rule set up that's adding the A to
every return. Temporarily turn off AutoCorrect using Tools -->
AutoCorrect... and UNchecking the "Replace text as you type" option.

If that doesn't work then you may have a corrupt font cache. Try using a
utility such as Onyx to clean font caches on your machine.

Hope this helps!



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