Character limit in notes field



I have typed 257 characters in the notes field (including spaces) using MSP
2002 Standard and it will not let me type any more info into the notes field.
I searched for posts in this discussion group and found a string of posts
that stated that the notes field has a 4000 character limit while text fields
have a 255 character limit. Is there somewhere that I can adjust the format
for the notes field to allow me to type more than 257 characters?

Thanks in advance for any info,


Double click on the task to open the task dialog box. Click on the notes
tab. You can enter more information there. Entering data in the cell does
have a limit, but that is imposed by the GUI not the box itself.


Thanks JackD,

That appears to work, however, in the notes cell it trails off with ... I
use that field to reference during meetings as to how the task has changed
over time. With this being the case it is usually more important for me to
see what changed last week than what changed 2 months ago. Is there a way
for me to see all of the notes in the field when I print my projects for
meetings? Also, the way that I write my notes now is to put the newest info
at the end of the string. I have seen some people who update the new notes
at the beginning of the "paragraph", but this seems to be confusing for
people from my experience. Is there a standard practice for tracking changes
in the notes field in this way so that you can always view the newest info,
even if you can't see some of the old?

Still learning,


Reverse your policy of putting new text at the end. That is about all you
can do.
There is a print option to print notes I think but I may be confused with


JackD said:
Reverse your policy of putting new text at the end. That is about all you
can do.
There is a print option to print notes I think but I may be confused with

No, you are not confused. Go to File/Page Setup/View tab. Just check the
box for "Print Notes".

Trailing off in the Notes field on a view is caused either by,
characters in excess of 256 or line feeds or carriage returns in the
Notes text. If you print notes as suggested above, you shouldn't have
that problem.

Another method that I have employed is to use VBA to export the notes to
Excel. If you are interested in that, write me direct.

Hope this helps.

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