Character Limitation



I created A Report that has a textbox bound to a memo field. I have set the
textbox option "Can Grow?" to yes and it expands but it only displays the
first 255 characters in the field. Where can I go to fix this to show the
entire entry made in the memo field on my report that is being Generated. I
am using Access 2000 as my DB program

Ofer Cohen

This answer was given by Allen Browne few month's ago

If the memo field is truncating after 255 characters, these are the things
to look for:

1. Make sure the report is not performing any grouping on the memo field.
Particularly it should not be listed in the report's Sorting'n'Grouping
dialog, with a group footer or header.

2. Make sure the report's query is not grouping on the memo field. It it is
a Totals query, try changing the Total row under the memo to "First" instead
of Group By". You will need to change the Name and Control Source of the
text box on the report as well: it will come out something like

3. Make sure the report's query does not include the DISTINCT keyword (i.e.
Unique Values set to Yes in the query properties.) This will also cause the
memo to truncate.

4. Make sure there is nothing in the Format property of the text box on the
report, and nothing in the Format proeprty of the memo field in the table.
These things cause it to truncate.

Of course, the memo could also be truncating because the text box on the
report is not big enough to show all the characters. Setting its Can Grow
property to Yes will help (assuming there is nothing else overlapping the
text box vertically on the report), and check that the (Detail?) section's
Can Grow is also set to Yes.

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