Character spacing



I get Word 2003 documents from others in my company where one line of text
(say, a heading) is suppose to have 6 pt line spacing above and 12 pt line
spacing below. If there is a blank line above it, this shows 6 pts above and
12 pts below, but if I take the blank line out, where the paragraph above
also has 12 pt line spacing below, the one line of text no longer shows the 6
pts above--in other words the spacing showing is 12 pts between the one line
of text and the paragraph above it, where it should be 18 pts total. Anyone
have any idea how I can adjust these documents where this happens?

Thank you!

Klaus Linke

Word uses the larger value, not the sum.

There's an option setting to change that (Tools > Options > Compatibility...
something about HTML spacing I think).

But I would just adapt my style definitions accordingly.
The default behaviour gives you a lot more possibilities to fine-tune the
spacing between different style paragraphs.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

The option is "Don't use HTML paragraph auto spacing." Check the box to get
the full sum value rather than the greater of the amounts.


Thank you so much, Suzanne! That was definitely the ticket. It was driving
me crazy.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I recall how confusing that was to me when I first encountered it and how
grateful I was to whoever it was who pointed out the option. It was
introduced in Word 2000, I think, but I skipped from 97 to 2002, so by the
time I encountered it, plenty of people had learned how to deal with it!

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