I have a paragraph style called Standard,SS (on which all
my other styles are based). I now realise this style has
changed to Standard,SS Char,Standard Char Char. I
understand this to be a reference to a character style.
When I try to apply it to a para I get "Standard Char
Char refers to more than one style". I don't want to
delete it because I will have to recreate it and go
through all my other styles and base them on the new one.
I renamed it back to Standard,SS but when I try to apply
it to a paragraph I get a message "SS refers to more than
one style". Very informative! This is driving me insane.
Please help.
my other styles are based). I now realise this style has
changed to Standard,SS Char,Standard Char Char. I
understand this to be a reference to a character style.
When I try to apply it to a para I get "Standard Char
Char refers to more than one style". I don't want to
delete it because I will have to recreate it and go
through all my other styles and base them on the new one.
I renamed it back to Standard,SS but when I try to apply
it to a paragraph I get a message "SS refers to more than
one style". Very informative! This is driving me insane.
Please help.