Character styles



I have a paragraph style called Standard,SS (on which all
my other styles are based). I now realise this style has
changed to Standard,SS Char,Standard Char Char. I
understand this to be a reference to a character style.
When I try to apply it to a para I get "Standard Char
Char refers to more than one style". I don't want to
delete it because I will have to recreate it and go
through all my other styles and base them on the new one.

I renamed it back to Standard,SS but when I try to apply
it to a paragraph I get a message "SS refers to more than
one style". Very informative! This is driving me insane.
Please help.

Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Rita,

Do you understand why this has happened, so that you can
keep it from happening again?

You can use VBA to unlink the paragraph style from the
character styles, then delete the character styles. That
should solve the problem for the moment. You just want to
make sure it doesn't happen again...

Create a paragraph style named Junk to link your Char styles
to. Then put the Char style names in the following little
macro and run it. Now you should be able to delete them (and
Junk) over the Organizer

Sub RemapCharStyle
ActiveDocument.Styles("Heading 1 Char").LinkStyle _
= "Junk"
End Sub
I have a paragraph style called Standard,SS (on which all
my other styles are based). I now realise this style has
changed to Standard,SS Char,Standard Char Char. I
understand this to be a reference to a character style.
When I try to apply it to a para I get "Standard Char
Char refers to more than one style". I don't want to
delete it because I will have to recreate it and go
through all my other styles and base them on the new one.

I renamed it back to Standard,SS but when I try to apply
it to a paragraph I get a message "SS refers to more than
one style". Very informative! This is driving me insane.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jan
24 2003)

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Cindy Meister -WordMVP-

Hi Rita,
No, I don't understand why it
happened so it won't happen again.
Word generates "Char" styles when you select text, but NOT
an entire paragraph, and apply a paragraph style. The new
character styles are linked to the paragraph style so that
their formatting is co-ordinated.

So, when applying paragraph styles you have to be very
careful to either NOT select any text (in that case, the
paragraph style will be applied to the entire paragraph),
or to be sure to include the paragraph mark in the

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update
Jan 24 2003)

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follow question or reply in the newsgroup and not by e-mail

Rita King

Thanks Cindy
At the risk of sounding dead stupid - what do I do when I want to apply a
style to a paragraph and then say want to apply say italic and bold to
several words within that same paragraph?

Suzanne S. Barnhill

That is not an issue. That is direct formatting. You can either apply these
font properties separately, or, if you define a character style that is Bold
+ Italic, that is a legitimate character style and can be applied to
selected text. What you need to be careful about is applying a *paragraph*
style to selected text, as this is what creates the Paragraph Style Char

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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