Character Symbols are NOT created equal!



After much trial and error, I figured out a way to insert a degree symbol
that would merge successfully from an excel file to a word merge document in

I also discovered that not all "symbols" are created equal, in that some of
them DO make the transition during a merge, while others don't (!)

If the "superscript 0" is used, instead of the actual degree symbol, it
will merge successfully! However, the superscript 0 cannot be inserted using
the numeric keypad (alt-0186), but must first be inserted into a Word
document, then copied and pasted into the excel spreadsheet formula.


Peter Jamieson

Well researched!

I have to say I am able to insert a superscript 0 using Alt 0186 here. But
in Excel you could consider using the Windows Character Map (by default,
under Start|Programs|Accessories|System Tools) to select and enter the
character. The Character Map isn't installed by default so you might need to
go to the Control Panel|Add/Remove software to install it. I don't know if
there is a better way to do it - you might try an Excel newsgroup.

Peter Jamieson


Thanks, Peter. I did try looking up the Character Map in Excel, but as you
mentioned, it had not been downloaded. I would have to go through my IT
center to get that accomplished, so I resorted to other tactics.

I also tried the "file conversion" on merging the excel file, but that only
gave me compressed data that was totally illegible.

Still, I appreciate your help and am glad I found this newsgroup!

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