characters dont print



since I've printed out some ppt slides, my MSWord.doc document
doesnt printout the text characters?
I wonder if there's a relation between these?
I'm still able to print PPT slides, emails from Internet browser, and all
the text characters are ok but,
when I open a MSWord document only the background colors are showing! no
text characters!?
My options seems ok, I've compared them to one of my friends and everything
is the same and he doesnt have the problem!
Might it be low ink cartridge?
thank you for your opinion on this



The first thing I would check is your printer ink levels. If you are able to
print from other sources (E-mail, Etc.) with the same text color then we know
the printer isn't the culpret. From there I would suggest ensuring that you
have not mistakenly changed your text formatting to hidden. To check this
type Ctrl+A to highlight all your text, then under your Home tab, within the
Font group click the Font dialogue icon in the lower right hand corner.
Within the center of the Font Dialogue box there should be a number of check
boxes. Ensure that within the Effects area you have not mistakenly selected
the "Hidden" check box, the box should be empty. Please let me know if this
helped, thanks, and best of luck!

Haydn Miller
(e-mail address removed)


Hi, thanks for your reply,
I've checked, and all boxes are unchecked!
I've been able to print out your reply from the Explorer browser
but if I create a new Word document and do a copy, paste,
save as, and print, I have a blank paper coming out of my printer
I've tried copy-paste in NotePad and same thing there still blank !
This is quit strange I must admit...
Here I've done some tests;
If I Highlite the text in any color exept white, it prints out!
If I highlite just a word in the middle of a line,
all the line comes out on the printer with the highted word !
If you have another Idea ,


Found the problem!
It is effectively the printer!
The black cartrige is empty!
Thank you for your time on this!

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