since I've printed out some ppt slides, my MSWord.doc document
doesnt printout the text characters?
I wonder if there's a relation between these?
I'm still able to print PPT slides, emails from Internet browser, and all
the text characters are ok but,
when I open a MSWord document only the background colors are showing! no
text characters!?
My options seems ok, I've compared them to one of my friends and everything
is the same and he doesnt have the problem!
Might it be low ink cartridge?
thank you for your opinion on this
since I've printed out some ppt slides, my MSWord.doc document
doesnt printout the text characters?
I wonder if there's a relation between these?
I'm still able to print PPT slides, emails from Internet browser, and all
the text characters are ok but,
when I open a MSWord document only the background colors are showing! no
text characters!?
My options seems ok, I've compared them to one of my friends and everything
is the same and he doesnt have the problem!
Might it be low ink cartridge?
thank you for your opinion on this