Thank You so much for your advice. The problem is the data comes into excel
from a different program and then has to be exported to notepad. So lets
say the account# column is supposed to have 10 characters and a cell only
has 7. Then when it goes to notepad it would have original 7 characters and
3 spaces. Would you be able to look at the following code and give some
advice(the output has been left as comments as they are in theory)?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const MaxLen As Long = 10
If Target.Column = 4 And Len(Target.Value) < MaxLen Then
MsgBox "Entry too short"
Application.EnableEvents = False
dif = MaxLen - Len(Target.Value)
result = Rep(" ", difference) & Target.Value
Dim Check, Counter
Check = True: Counter = 0
Do While Counter < dif
Counter = Counter + 1
Spaces = spaces & " "
Spaces2='Target.Value = Replace(Target.Value, 1 - difference, difference, "
'Target.Value = CONCATENATE(REPT(" ",difference),Target.Value)
'Target.Value = spaces & Target.Value
'Target.Value = spaces2 & Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
from a different program and then has to be exported to notepad. So lets
say the account# column is supposed to have 10 characters and a cell only
has 7. Then when it goes to notepad it would have original 7 characters and
3 spaces. Would you be able to look at the following code and give some
advice(the output has been left as comments as they are in theory)?
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Const MaxLen As Long = 10
If Target.Column = 4 And Len(Target.Value) < MaxLen Then
MsgBox "Entry too short"
Application.EnableEvents = False
dif = MaxLen - Len(Target.Value)
result = Rep(" ", difference) & Target.Value
Dim Check, Counter
Check = True: Counter = 0
Do While Counter < dif
Counter = Counter + 1
Spaces = spaces & " "
Spaces2='Target.Value = Replace(Target.Value, 1 - difference, difference, "
'Target.Value = CONCATENATE(REPT(" ",difference),Target.Value)
'Target.Value = spaces & Target.Value
'Target.Value = spaces2 & Target.Value
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub