Chart and Data Question



A number of times in the last few months I've tried another
whack at report charts with the wizard in Access 2000 or
2002, but I always end up with a chart that seems to be
pulling its data from someone else's database!

Several of these times, I've made a series of queries to
give me just the right input for what I want the chart to
do, but when I use the last query in the series for the
chart wizard, the wizard seems to change the query around,
and make a totals query out of it, and the resulting chart
has axis names that have nothing to do with the date in my

So here's an example...

I've interviewed anglers leaving a given popular fishing
site. I made a note of the time the interview was
conducted, and asked them how long they've been fishing that
day (now I've got starting time and ending time for the
group), and how many are in the group. I do this for the
whole day, for many days.

Now I've got a creel full of data, and I want to make a line
chart showing the total number of anglers (vertical axis),
for each hour during the day of my surveys (5 am to 10 pm --
the horizontal axis). In one iteration of this, the
grouping will be all the days in each month.

I actually haven't fully worked out the queries for this one
yet, as I'm a little stuck on how to do the totals for each

Any thoughts appreciated.

In Access 1, 2, 95, and 97, the help files really did help.
But in Access 2000 and 2002, they seem to have been designed
to never give even a clue!

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