Chart and Zeros



This is the issue:
Let say I have :

ColumnA ColumnB
1 234
2 432
3 -8
4 0...
5 0...
... ..0..
... ..0..
300 0...

I'm doing a linear graph and I want as "x-value" Column A, and "y-value"
Column B. But I do not want the zeros to appear in the graph.
week by week the zeros will change as days pass until reach 300.

Is there any way to set the graph up to take just number greater and lesser
than zeros?

Kurt Barr

I'm assuming that your values for Column B is your Y-axis. And that you're
not wanting to see your graph plummet to 0 and stay there for the remainder
of the values on the X-axis.

If so, I would suggest you altering your formula that gives you the value in
Column B to show an empty cell instead of the 0. You can do that by making
the formula result be "".

If you post a copy of your formula, I would be more than happy to assist you
with modifying it to do that.


The problem is that those values are coming from another workbook....
These are the values for Y axis (column B)

and so on.......

and what I have in the AustinQ. workbook is as follows:

and so on..........

David Biddulph

So if you don't want the cells with zero values to be displayed, change

Note that I recommend using NA() rather than an empty string "" as
recommended by Kurt, as I think you'd find that "" is plotted as a zero.

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