Chart created in VB generates 2 additional meaningless series


David Cuthill

After loading data into a worksheet I generate 3 separate charts on
chartsheets. The first and third charts are generated as desired and
the second chart looks okay but when I view the Source Data under
Series I see that I have 2 additional series created. Series 1
references the named ranges for the X and Y values; Series 2
references a range of cells using range notation =B1:B100 for the Y
Values with no X values defined; and Series 3 references Y Values of
{1} with no X Values.

The code I am using to create the chart and series is identical to
that used for the other 2 charts as far as I can tell.

Has anyone seen similar behaviour and found an explanation???

I have searched through google for an explanation and solution for my
problem and have found a couple of other instances but I can't get an
explanation for why it happens.


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