chart object size in Word 2003


lee hite

i'm having a problem with the size of embedded charts in WORD 2003.
for some reason, the max size i can set a chart to varies from one
computer to the next even though as far as i can tell all the settings
are exactly the same. here's what i'm seeing:

1) i create a .DOC with an embedded chart on computer A with size 5.5"
x 10.4". works great.

2) i copy that .DOC to computer B and open it and the size of the
chart is still 5.5" x 10.4".

3) now i edit the chart -- actually just open it for editing, don't
even change anything -- and the chart shrinks to 5.5" x 9.67". at
that point, there appears to be nothing that i can do to get it back
to it's original size. when i try to click-and-drag the border, it
immediately snaps back to the smaller size. and when i use the
"format object" dialog and change the size it has no effect.

what am i missing here? why does one computer let me size the chart
to 10.4" wide when the second computer insists on a max size of 9.67"?
and FWIW, i actually have about 10 computers involved, some exhibiting
the problem and others not. so it's not just one oddball computer
here. there's something systematic going on, but i can't figure out
what the variable is that causes this behavior.


Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Do the computers all have the same printer as the active printer in Word and
also the same version of the printer driver?

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

lee hite

Do the computers all have the same printer as the active printer in Word and
also the same version of the printer driver?

yes, that was one of the first things that occurred to me -- although
now that you mention it, there is a possibility of different printer
drivers. i'll definitely look in to that....... thanks.


lee hite

yes, that was one of the first things that occurred to me -- although
now that you mention it, there is a possibility of different printer
drivers. i'll definitely look in to that....... thanks.

well, that wasn't it -- same active printer, same drivers.

i did finally solve the problem though -- turns out it was the screen
resolution! bumping the resolution up to 1024x768 did the trick -- go
figure. :)

best i can tell at this point is that to get consistent chart sizes
you have to have BOTH identical active printers AND same screen


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