Chart problem with Excel 2007


Harry Flashman

My office has just switched over to 2007. I have a small problem
though making charts.
I have tables which show the value of a range of products over time,
with the product names in column A and the month date in row 1.

For example:

Product June 09 May 09 April 09 (etc)
Apples 12 55 100
Oranges 200 46 27
Pears 45 78 144

When I used Excel 2003 I could select the top row (the date row) and
select one of the product rows (using CTRL+SHIFT+Arrow key) and then
press F11 to produce an instant column chart, with the value shown on
the Y Axis, the date shown on the X Axis and the name of chart the
same as the product.
This feature still works with Excel 2007 but *only* if I select row 1
(the date row) and row 2 (the first product).
If I try to select Row 1 and Row 5, for example, and press F11 I don't
get the chart I want. I get a nonsense chart with two bars one
representing the date and one representing the values of the product -
it has two columns of data under the chart - one of the months and one
for the values of the product.

Can anyone help me please?

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