Chart shrinks going from Excel 2008 to Excel 2004



I am not sure if my issue has already been discussed and if so I am
sorry and would appreciate a link to the original thread. I just
upgraded a client from MS Office 2004 to MS Office 2008. I have
performed all the updates and trashed the original 2004 application.
My client is running Office on a MacBook Pro running an Intel Core 2
Duo and Mac OS 10.5.5. Ok, all of the background info out of the
way. Here is my issue.

When a X&Y chart is created in Microsoft 2008 to show growth rate over
four years it looks great on the screen and in print. If that chart
is saved in .xls format and opened up on Microsoft Office 2004
computer (running 10.5.5 and a Intel Processor) the chart looks
smashed. The title header is the same size and is in the same
location on the screen, however, the chart (graph columns and X axis)
has shrunk vertically. The graph is the same size horizontally. It
is like someone pushed down on the chart to about 50% of the
original. The text is the same font and size throughout the document
but it is moved to stay consistent with the graphic. Also, the footer
text that shows up on screen within a text box and print under Mac OS
X 2008 does not show in 2004 in print. Additionally, the legend
change’s it’s location (moves down).

If you know what might be going on, I would really appreciate
suggestions to fix the issue. Also, if you need more detail or
information to help solve this puzzle please let me know.

I have posted a PDF of the two charts (first is MS 2008 followed by MS
2004). The right side of the chart is cut off due to the scanner I
used. There are no issues with the right side getting cut off on the
original copies (just my scans).



I am not sure if my issue has already been discussed and if so I am
sorry and would appreciate a link to the original thread.  I just
upgraded a client from MS Office 2004 to MS Office 2008.  I have
performed all the updates and trashed the original 2004 application.
My client is running Office on a MacBook Pro running an Intel Core 2
Duo and Mac OS 10.5.5.  Ok, all of the background info out of the
way.  Here is my issue.

When a X&Y chart is created in Microsoft 2008 to show growth rate over
four years it looks great on the screen and in print.  If that chart
is saved in .xls format and opened up on Microsoft Office 2004
computer (running 10.5.5 and a Intel Processor) the chart looks
smashed.  The title header is the same size and is in the same
location on the screen, however, the chart (graph columns and X axis)
has shrunk vertically.  The graph is the same size horizontally.  It
is like someone pushed down on the chart to about 50% of the
original.  The text is the same font and size throughout the document
but it is moved to stay consistent with the graphic.  Also, the footer
text that shows up on screen within a text box and print under Mac OS
X 2008 does not show in 2004 in print.  Additionally, the legend
change’s it’s location (moves down).

If you know what might be going on, I would really appreciate
suggestions to fix the issue.  Also, if you need more detail or
information to help solve this puzzle please let me know.

I have posted a PDF of the two charts (first is MS 2008 followed by MS
2004).  The right side of the chart is cut off due to the scanner I
used.  There are no issues with the right side getting cut off on the
original copies (just my scans).


I haven't heard any feedback from others regarding this issue. If
anyone could shed some light, that would be great!

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