Chart Type Bar



I want to produce a simple 2D bar chart where you have two data series and
the value bars from two series should be located one next to another for
each category. There doesn't seem to be such a type chart. There is one for
the 3D, and the one for clustered charts that places one bar on top of
another. How can I get the value bars to be placed one next to another?



Antoine Prevot


I dunno exactly how to do that, i always populate a PivotTable ant -then-
bind a Chart to it. But i guess that putting multiple series on the same axis
should do the job. They will automatically appear side by side. Don't forget
to add this line in your init code :

ChartSpace.PlotAllAggregates = chPlotAggregatesSeries



Amazingly enough, your idea worked.

I don't use a PivotTable and I do have multiple series on the same axis. I
was trying to specify the chart type explicitly and that was a problem,
since I couldn't find any appropriate type. Dropping the idea to setup the
type in the code and letting the OWC to pick up the type automatically did
the trick - the bars now appear side by side. Doesn't make much sense, but



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