I see a lot of geniuses giving advise and their web sites with
excellent material. Why dont we all create "The" charting add-in? I
got many useful routines and an interface for something I call the
"Chart Loopster" [under development] but am too busy [software is my
hobby, not profession] and do not have the incredible genius of the
Do you think you could seamlessly add to my book for absolute novices
in Excel-- http://vgupta1000.tripod.com/Vol_1_2.zip ? Something on
custom charts, dynamic charts, but nothing too complex...
excellent material. Why dont we all create "The" charting add-in? I
got many useful routines and an interface for something I call the
"Chart Loopster" [under development] but am too busy [software is my
hobby, not profession] and do not have the incredible genius of the
Do you think you could seamlessly add to my book for absolute novices
in Excel-- http://vgupta1000.tripod.com/Vol_1_2.zip ? Something on
custom charts, dynamic charts, but nothing too complex...