Chart with dynamic x-axis names



This is a repost. I put it in excel.charts earlier and wasn't getting
much of a response. Let's see how it goes here....

I am creating a chart which is based on multiple columns worth of data.
The problem is that the amount of rows changes and I have to be able to
handle that programmaticaly. In other words, if the amount of rows was
constant somewhere in my sub I would have something like:

..Chart.SetSourceData Source:=Sheets("NameGoesHere").Range("A2:A5, F2:H5")

'where the Range A2:A5 contains names that goes to label the X-axis.
'And F2:H5 represents the data for each name in A2:A5. No problem.

However, I need that range to vary. I was hoping something like this would

1):xlSheet(I).Cells(z, 1), xlSheet(I).Cells(2, 6):xlSheet(I).Cells(z, 8))

'where z is an integer which calculated the number of rows needed. Problem.
'Didn't work

As you can see I tried to mimic the form used for static data but failed
miserably. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Clear as mud? Thanks in


article Thank you, but I am using VB to code this. I read that previously,
but I can't just enter formulas in the spreadsheet. A macro will be used,
and everytime it is run it will wipe the page. Of course, I may just be
missing the big picture here...


Thank you, but I am using VB to code this. I read that article previously,
but I can't just enter formulas in the spreadsheet. A macro will be used,
and everytime it is run it will wipe the page. Of course, I may just be
missing the big picture here...


For all who are interested here is a snippet that provides the solution (I
have no hair now...). UNION was the key.

With ch

..Chart.ChartWizard Source:=Union( _
Worksheets(xlSheet(i).Name).Range(xlSheet(i).Cells(2, 1),
xlSheet(i).Cells(z, 1)), _
Worksheets(xlSheet(i).Name).Range(xlSheet(i).Cells(2, 6),
xlSheet(i).Cells(z, 8))), _
Title:=xlSheet(i).Name, _
PlotBy:=xlColumns, _
End With

Thanks to all who thought about it.

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