Chart with Two Scales


Joseph M. Yonek

I have two sets of data with different scales.

How can I represent both on the same graph without distorting the scale of
one of them?

Wendy Moncur

If you look at the chart options and select the Axes tab,
you can have a secondary y axis and a secondary x axis.
Once they are there, use Format Axis to set the maximum
and minimum of the scale.


I have two sets of data with different scales.
Wendy said:
If you look at the chart options and select the Axes tab,
you can have a secondary y axis and a secondary x axis.
Once they are there, use Format Axis to set the maximum
and minimum of the scale.

And to make that secondary y axis appear, select the series you wish to plot
against that secondary axis. From the menu, go to Format | Selected Data
series | Axis tab. Now the appropriate options should appear in the Chart
Options | Axes tab.

dvt at psu dot edu

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