Charting a normal distribution within excel..


Brentford Legend

Hi - I have calculated some normal distriubtions results for a number of numbers in a sample.. (Using the normdist function).. How do I then go about charting this distribution?? or is there another way of charting a distribution without using the normdist function.. Any help received would be much appreciate



Michael R Middleton

Brentford Legend Mark -
I have calculated some normal distriubtions results for a number of
numbers in a sample.. (Using the normdist function).. How do I then go about
charting this distribution?? <

To plot the "theoretical" distribution, enter a column of X values and a
column of NormDist values. Then use an XY (Scatter) chart.
or is there another way of charting a distribution without using the
normdist function. <

To plot frequencies of data, use the Histogram tool.

- Mike Middleton,

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