charting data across a range of worksheets


Rikki Ward


I use excel 2000 as a timesheet. Each month's worksheet's layout is
identical, with the month's total in cell h41, and the worksheet's name
referencing the month, eg apr04 to mar05 etc. and Start04 and End04 as dummy
delimiters for each (financial) year.

On the totals sheet I can use =SUM(Start04:End04!H41) to get the sum I am
owed for the period. So far so good...

In addition I would like a chart plotting the worksheet name (or a cell in
the appropriate worksheet if required) as the X axis, and the monthly total
on the Y axis. This is where I hit a problem, as the chart does not like the
range given - similar to that used in the SUM.

Could anyone help? Many thanks, Rikki


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