Charting in Excel



I have a colum chart in Excel and I can't seem to set the width of the
individual columns?

Jon Peltier

You can't set the widths of the individual columns. All have to have the
same width.

- Jon


I am not setting the width of individual columns, every column is very
narrow, and I tried adjusting the gaps, but that did not help, it moved the
columns closer together but did not make the columns wider.


I changed the type of chart, from a 3-D to a 2-D, and now when I set the gap
it modified the width of the colums, so I have this problem fixed for now.
You might be able to answer another question. I am trying to graph two cash
flow streams over a 20 year period. I also want to compare this against the
cumulative cost, but I would like the annual amounts plotted in columns, and
the cumulaitve plotted with a line graph against a different axis. Do you
have suggestions?

Jon Peltier

I changed the type of chart, from a 3-D to a 2-D

Aha. Don't use 3D chart types. They are less flexible that 2D types, and
what's more, they can be deceptive.

Re your second question. Charts with dual axes can also be deceptive. If you
were to proceed anyway, make a chart with two series, as a column chart.
Right click the cumulative series, choose the chart type command, and change
it to a line type (you could have started with a line chart and changed the
annual amounts to a column, doesn't matter). Then right click the cumulative
series, choose the Format command, and change it to the secondary axis.

Your specific data is probably going to be hard to misrepresent in a dual
axis chart. For some data sets, a less unclear, less deceptive approach
would be to simply make two charts, or make a panel chart:

- Jon


you have been a big help. I have never even heard of Panel Charting, I
checked out your website, and you have a ton of information there. I don't
do a lot of charting, but I do a lot of detailed spreadsheet work. I will
take a look at the information you have on your spreadsheet and get back to
you if I have additioanal questions.

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