Charting Gurus!,
A few tough questions that need answers asap! Be a hero!
1. When querying http://localhost a chart is successfully shown populated
with ADO data like so:
StrOpen = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security
Info=False;Mode=Read;Extended Properties=" & chr(34) & _
stats;DriverId=27;FIL=text;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" & chr(34) &
ADOConnection1.Open strOpen
Question; HOWEVER when using a remote IE client i.e. http://somename same
code fails and IE show this error:
[ODBC Data Source Name is not specified does not exist and no default
driver specified]
I do not want that each client connecting need to setup the DSN on the
computer since the csv file is stored on the server.
Do you know how to resolve this issue?
2. Also is there any way I can suppress these msgboxes that IE 6 SP1
A few tough questions that need answers asap! Be a hero!
1. When querying http://localhost a chart is successfully shown populated
with ADO data like so:
StrOpen = "Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security
Info=False;Mode=Read;Extended Properties=" & chr(34) & _
stats;DriverId=27;FIL=text;MaxBufferSize=2048;PageTimeout=5;" & chr(34) &
ADOConnection1.Open strOpen
Question; HOWEVER when using a remote IE client i.e. http://somename same
code fails and IE show this error:
[ODBC Data Source Name is not specified does not exist and no default
driver specified]
I do not want that each client connecting need to setup the DSN on the
computer since the csv file is stored on the server.
Do you know how to resolve this issue?
2. Also is there any way I can suppress these msgboxes that IE 6 SP1