charts - 1 column and 2 lines



Is it possible to make one chart with 1 series of columns and 2 series of
lines. The colums are numbers, the lines are %.
- in columns: 3037 - 1663 - 987 - 338
- 1st line: 49%, 27%, 16%, 5%
- 2nd line: 49%, 76%, 92%; 97%

thanks, Katleen

Andy Pope


Yes it is possible. Start by creating a LINE chart based on all three data
Select the data series you want as a column and then change it's chart type
to Column. Right click, Chart Type, Column.
Select the column series and change the Axis to secondary. Double click
series and pick Secondary on the Axis tab.

This will leave the 2 lines on the primary axis, you should see them now.
And the columns on the secondary.
Label the Axes to make the association clear.


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