Charts - how can I get rid of shadows for good?



In Excel 11 (11.2.5), the points in xy(scatter) plots have "shadows" by

default. I am not Peter Pan! I do not care for shadows. They (like many

so-called 3D effects in Excel charts) may be artistic, but they distort

the data (and make me wonder if I should schedule an eye exam soon)!
Does anyone know of a way to customize the defaults of Charts beyond
specifying xy-scatter? I would also love to get rid of the default gray

plot area and the default y major grid lines, but the shadows are the
most annoying feature. I suppose I could write a macro..., but do you
have any other ideas?
Thanks in advance.


See my reply to your post in the Word ng :)

Once you have the chart formatted/designed as you wish, go to the Chart Menu
& select Chart Type. On the Custom Types page click the option for
User-Defined, then click Add. Name it, describe it, OK out, then select it
whenever you create a new chart. You can also set it as your Default.


Thank you very much!
See my reply to your post in the Word ng :)

Once you have the chart formatted/designed as you wish, go to the Chart Menu
& select Chart Type. On the Custom Types page click the option for
User-Defined, then click Add. Name it, describe it, OK out, then select it
whenever you create a new chart. You can also set it as your Default.

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