Charts In 2002 Maintaining Formats



How do I maintain the formating of a dual axis chart in Excel 2002 when the data is updated? I have tried to set the chart type as the default and this work as long as I create a new chart. On the old chart when I update the data the chart immediately updates to a single axis stacked bar chart

Jon Peltier

Doug -

Is it a pivot chart? These are notorious for losing their formatting
after an update. If you used a particular chart type when constructing
the chart, you should be able to reapply the same chart type. Right
click on the chart (not just on a series), choose Chart Type from the
pop up menu, and you should be able to find what you need. If a built in
chart type won't work, you can define your own, or as Microsoft
suggests, you could record a macro when you reformat a pivot chart, then
replay the macro whenever you refresh the chart.

You're not the Doug Hall I knew at AlliedSignal, are you?

- Jon

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