Usually... it's the other way around. (a known problem, but still workable)
You create a query for your chart, and after say... changing colors or series types,
the design view shows the original setup, but the actual Preview looks just the way you
wanted it to.
In other words, the Design view does not stay in "synch" with the Preview.
From your description, I'll assume you made some changes to the design that are causing
a problem with the Preview... but because your Design view is out of synch with Preview...
it still looks okay.
Try this...
Run the query behind the chart, and while viewing the data returned, use Ctrl-A to
select all records, and Copy all the recs.
Then go to chart design mode, and Paste those records into the associated spreadsheet.
That (do it every once in a while during design) will "resynch" the design view to the
preview view.
Perhaps because they are now in sybch, the design view will fail the way the same way
preview does...
Al Campagna . Candia Computer Consulting . Candia, NH USA
Microsoft Access MVP
"Find a job that you love, and you'll never work a day in your life."