Charts in Word



I have been having some difficulty deleting a line I
have in a chart I created. It has got to be some kind of
a formatting issue. The eraser tool from the Tables and
Borders doesn't work when I click on these lines. Any

Kate G.

Are you talking about a TABLE or a CHART -- technically two different things
with two different ways of formatting.

Also -- which version of Word would be helpful.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

It does sound as if he's talking about a table, doesn't it. The Eraser tools
erases cell boundaries, merging the cells, whereas what is needed is to
remove the border itself, through Format | Borders and Shading or using the
Borders toolbar flyout. To remove, say, the bottom border of a cell, click
on the Bottom Border button to turn it off.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA
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