Charts resize themselves



Hi everyone,

I'll try to be brief.

I am new to Excel 2007 but have used 2003 extensively.

My job requires me to do heavy sales analysis of our products. As such, I
have created a system in Excel VBA (within Excel 2003) that creates a
workbook that consists of several worksheets each of which contains a line
graph that gives a visual representation of a product's sales history.

The first sheet in one of these workbooks is a "table of contents" that
lists each product and provides a hyperlink to each of the rest of the
sheets. I have found it more convenient to use keyboard shortcuts so I have
assigned CTRL+H to be the keystroke that activates a hyperlink in whatever
the active cell currently is.

When I open one of these files in Excel 2007, I am able to navigate back and
forth between sheets as I am accustomed to. However, and I haven't been able
to pinpoint any sort of a pattern to it, when I navigate to any given "data"
sheet from the table of contents, the chart on that sheet (and every other
sheet in the workbook) gets larger and taller obscuring some of the sales
data in the cells below the space the chart previously occupied.

To say the least, this is VERY annoying. My only recourse is to close the
file without saving changes and then reopening.

Does anyone have any ideas on what is happening here? Is it VBA based? Is it
a bug in Office? A bug in Excel?

How do I fix this????? Searching the Internet hasn't been much help and I've
searched a lot.

Please help!!!



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