Charts return zero?




in Sheet2:

-copy accross 40 columns

-copy accross 40 rows

-copy accross 40rows*40columns

based on the function above,it will create a table of data where i will
create a chart from it.i define 2 offset to create the chart:


for now the chart has 25R*24C,therefore when i ceate the chart,it is based
on 40R*40C,included the row and column with no it because of the
function in the cell?
i copy the function to 40R*40C as a space for new data since the table would
expand rows and column time by time.
the problem right now is i want the chart include the available data only..i
dont want it to include the zero it possible?is yes,how?

thanks in advanced!

Jon Peltier

Linda -

Here is what I posted in response to a similar question last month:

Using dynamic ranges, you can create a chart whose series grow and shrink as
the range becomes longer and shorter. But you can't use dynamic ranges to
vary the number of series in the chart. That would require some VBA.

Assuming the data starts in cell A1, you could define a name that includes
the rows and columns up to the errors. Go to Insert menu > Name > Define:

Name: ChartDataRange
Refers To:

I arbitrarily chose A1:A36; pick a range long enough to get all the values
you may ever need.

Update the data, then run this macro:

Sub UpdateChart()
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SetSourceData _
Source:=ActiveSheet.Range("ChartDataRange"), _
End Sub

- Jon


i already try that yesterday,but its still not chart is still 40R*40C
eventhough the available data only 26R*25C.

Jon Peltier

Try to incorporate your more detailed definitions of the width and height of
the plotting range into my simple name definition.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Tutorials and Custom Solutions
Peltier Technical Services, Inc. -

linda said:
i already try that yesterday,but its still not chart is still
eventhough the available data only 26R*25C.

Jon Peltier

I gave an example with a simple definition of my dynamic range. You had a
more complicated definition which presumably accounted for the
characteristics of your data range. I am suggesting you use your name
definitions with the VBA approach to changing the chart's source data range.

- Jon

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