Charts, sub reports and reports in Access


Emmett Power


I have a table in a database with three relevant columns; 'Name',
'Question1' and 'Question2'. The table collects data from an online
form. The 'Question1' and 'Question2' fields are limited to a list of
values from dropdown lists on the form.

I am trying to produce a report in Access with a page for each Name
and two graphs representing the count of answers to the questions.

So for example if the database has 20 entries for 'Paul' and 15 of
those answer 'Yes' to Question1, three answer 'No' and two answer
'Don't Know' I would like to produce a three bar chart with that data
on the page. I'd like the next chart to present the data for Question2
and then the next page to present the data for 'Peter' and so on.

I'd really appreciate pointers. Should I use a crosstab query, sub
reports, try and do the whole thing in code or something totally

I am familiar with Visual Basic but not with programming charts in
Access but I'm more than happy to give it a go if somebody could point
me in the right direction or give me some clues.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Emmett Power


Guess you would create 3 queries
1 - Select Question 1, count of yes/no/maybe's sort and group by nam
2 - Select Question 2, count of yes/no/maybe's sort and group by nam
3 - Select name only, sort and group by nam
Design a report based on query 3 (1 row per name
insert 2 charts on each page, for queries 1 and 2
as you insert the charts by the chart wizard make sure they are married by name

Hope you don't get the duplicated chart issue I just posted..

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