charts with macro




I have a excel file with 80 sheets, containing data with the same structure
(measurement data from another application). Now I want to generate a graph
in each sheet of the file. My idea was to use a macro for this task. But
when I record a macro with the recorder, it generates the graph only into
the sheet, that was used for the recording.

Now my question:

Is there a macro code that does generate the same chart in each of the
sheets of a file. The ideal option would be a macro that lets the user
select the range of cells for the chart and the type of chart. But this
selection should be done only in one sheet. The macro then should generate
the same graph for all the other sheets the same way.
By the way, I am using Excel 2000.

I hope there is a pro that can help me.


Jon Peltier

Hi Juergen -

When you record a macro, it records exactly the address on the active sheet. You can
change the code to refer to any given sheet, and use its data for the charts. If you
post the recorded macro, someone can help make it work for all of the sheets.

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

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