

Averil Pretty


When I think about it this is a doozy!!!

I have posted a similar question before and received no
response... maybe I didn't phrase it well - so here goes:

My company tests candidates and / or existing staff
members for our clients. Currently for each person there
is an Excel document created from a template that we work
off. The Excel template contains loads of very complex
formulas the result of which is displayed graphically for
the client.

I've worked out how to generate the scores (thanks
people!) but my problem is with the graphs... Previously
created as an XY Scatter Graph in Excel I now need the
same graph to display in Access (for each candidate
selected). In Excel the graph was generated from the
calculated scores, which in the new access database are
updated on a candidate by candidate basis.

I should mention that the original graphs (in Excel files)
were sent to us by our parent company in the US - to
change the source when I have to I just do so in Excel.

I can't seem to work out how the graph can't display in
access as it does in Excel... In Excel the graph displays
as having the 1 to 100 as the X axis and the individual
scores for the candidate on the Y axis.

When I try to create the same graph in Access (using data
calculated on a candidate by candidate basis) the X and Y
axis are switched. I tried switching between displaying
between rows and columns and this didn't work either :-(

This isn't really easy to explain in words so maybe
someone can look at my files and help me - I will post any
answer given me as accurately as I can so other members
can benefit from any assistance I get.

Another graph problem I have is with stacked bar graphs
but it's a little harder to explain, but I'll give it a
go... Once again, this is a different story between Excel
and Access (note: am trying to move away from Excel)

We have graphs in Excel that display (as stacked bar
graphs) a square that will slide up and down a scale based
on two series - series one is the actual score
computations and series two is always set to 25 (don't ask
me why, it's always been that way from the US). In Excel
this displays as a square but for some reason not in

Maybe there is a way I can link the access data to the
Excel template but ideally I wouldn't want the client
seeing the formulas...

Similar problem is with standard deviation... In Excel I
can display graphs that show each candidates scores
against the standard deviation range (also a stacked bar
graph with the same problem as described above) - said std
dev graph is behind the transparent scores graph.

Hope I haven't confused one and all!!!!

Any help is appreciated.


Arvin Meyer

Even though Access and Excel use the same graphing engine, the
implementation in Excel is infinitely superior. When I need a graph, I
output data to an Excel range that's predefined as the recordsource for my
graph. If I then need to see it in Excel, I programmatically create a gif or
jpg in Excel, save it as a file, and then use it in the picture property of
an Access image control. The entire process (Open Excel in memory, run an
Access query to populate a recordset which is then output to the Excel
range, make the chart, make the gif, save it, return the image to Access,
clean up) takes about a second. My code is adapted from several different
sources and is proprietary to this particular database, but you'll find
enough information to do something similar using:

Access 2000 Power Programming by F. Scott Barker

and the

Access 2002 Developer's Handbook (Desktop) by Ken Getz, et. al.
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads:

Averil Pretty

Thanks Arvin! I shall bury my nose in those books for a

Averil Pretty
-----Original Message-----
Even though Access and Excel use the same graphing engine, the
implementation in Excel is infinitely superior. When I need a graph, I
output data to an Excel range that's predefined as the recordsource for my
graph. If I then need to see it in Excel, I
programmatically create a gif or

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