Wisut Hantanong
Hi, develpoers
I need to transform my xml data using xsl for charting. but I can't find the
reference of xmldata. now what only I can do is modifiy some of other people
xmldata I've found from google. It will be very goof if I have some guide or
a schema reference of <x:ChartSpace>, <x:Axist>, <x:Chart>, ..., and other
element within "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
ffice:excel". Is there a xsd file
exist ?
I prefer using OWC without any script on my report that came from xsl
transformation just like this plain text:
<OBJECT id="Chchart" classid="clsid:0002E55D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
width="800" height="400"
<PARAM NAME="XMLData" VALUE=###myXmlData###>
Thank for all help, and sorry for my english.
Wisut Hantanong
I need to transform my xml data using xsl for charting. but I can't find the
reference of xmldata. now what only I can do is modifiy some of other people
xmldata I've found from google. It will be very goof if I have some guide or
a schema reference of <x:ChartSpace>, <x:Axist>, <x:Chart>, ..., and other
element within "urn:schemas-microsoft-com
exist ?
I prefer using OWC without any script on my report that came from xsl
transformation just like this plain text:
<OBJECT id="Chchart" classid="clsid:0002E55D-0000-0000-C000-000000000046"
width="800" height="400"
<PARAM NAME="XMLData" VALUE=###myXmlData###>
Thank for all help, and sorry for my english.
Wisut Hantanong