Chat room on my website?


Kevin Spencer

Hi Johan,

A chat room is a particularly difficult programming task, because each
indivisdual connected to the "room" must listen for messages, whereas in a
typical web page, the browser Requests a page, rather than listening for an

A chat room is a server-side application, and usually has some client app on
the client as well (to do the listening). However, there have been chat apps
built that don't use a client-side app, but the client simply repeats
requests for the same page, which has been updated on the server.This is not
the best way to do this, as it increases the amount of network traffic
necessary to support it.

As it is a server-side app, you need to use a server-side programming
technology ot create it. What technology depends upon the environment it is
hosted in, generally Windows or Unix. On a Windows machine, you can use ASP
or ASP.Net, as well as CGI. On Unix machines, you would generally use CGI or

Once you find that out, just Google "Web Chat". See if you can find one


Kevin Spencer
Microsoft MVP
..Net Developer
What You Seek Is What You Get.

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