Anyone know if there's a quick and easy way to make a word document
become a ppt presentation?
(I'm working in Office '98 on OS 9.2)
The word doc is broken up into pages which need to be translated into
slides. I'd *like* to avoid having to copy, switch apps, paste, new
slide, switch apps, copy, switch apps, paste, new slide...
The *real* answer is to teach my co-worker to type his copy directly
into PPT instead of giving it to me in word, but in the meatime I've
got this word document that really wants to be a powerpoint...
thanks for any suggestions!
become a ppt presentation?
(I'm working in Office '98 on OS 9.2)
The word doc is broken up into pages which need to be translated into
slides. I'd *like* to avoid having to copy, switch apps, paste, new
slide, switch apps, copy, switch apps, paste, new slide...
The *real* answer is to teach my co-worker to type his copy directly
into PPT instead of giving it to me in word, but in the meatime I've
got this word document that really wants to be a powerpoint...
thanks for any suggestions!