Check all fields in linked table are completed


Mackay 1979

I also have an additional need for a query to check for records in a linked
table to ensure that all fields in the linked table have been completed.

My data structure is as below:

Data - Table 1
- intRefID
- strStatus

Data - Table 3
- intRefID
- strApprovedByType
- strApprovedByName
- dtmApprovedDate

There is a one to many relationship from Table1 to Table3 (it is possible
that Table3 may not contain any linked data also).

My query needs to return all results from Table1 where strStatus = Approved,
and two records don't exist in Table3 as below:
In order to justify a record as Approved, the following two entries must
exist in Table3 (but this is process driven, hence the need to
retrospectively go back through records with hopefully this queries results):
- strApprovedByType (1st Entry = System Owner, 2nd Entry = Customer)
- strApprovedByName (Both entries should not be NULL)
- dtmApprovedByDate (Both entries should not be NULL)

Thanks in advance for any help.

Cheers, Al.

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