how can i get this too work. What am I doing wrong? My code is just
a guess based on other snipets I have seen and used.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For Each Control In
If TypeOf Control Is MSForms.TextBox Then
If Control.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "fill it"
MsgBox "its filled"
End If
End If
Next Control
I want to check all of the textboxes on page 0 to make sure that they
conatain an input from the user.
a guess based on other snipets I have seen and used.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
For Each Control In
If TypeOf Control Is MSForms.TextBox Then
If Control.Value = "" Then
MsgBox "fill it"
MsgBox "its filled"
End If
End If
Next Control
I want to check all of the textboxes on page 0 to make sure that they
conatain an input from the user.