Check box appearance



When I place a checkbox in my form it has the appearance of a "flat" surface
with a blue boarder and a slight fading gray. If I then right-click it and
change the shading the appearance changes to a sunken 3D effect. When I
remove the shading the 3D effect remains.

Is there any way to change it back to the "flat" appearance?


Yes that works, but why does it change and is there anyway to change it back?
Is there anyway to use the shading and have it not change to the 3D

BTW if I have forms that are already filled in how would I go about
deleating the old checkbox and entering a new one without loosing the
previous data?

K.Ramana Reddy(GGK Tech)


To place new check box, open the form design mode , delete the existining
check box and place the new check box and bind to the same field in
datasource that old check bos is binded.

I hope this will help for you.

David Dean

The "flat" appearance for a check box will not be retained if you apply
Borders and Shading or conditional formatting. If you use Ctrl-Z right away
after making the change, you can get it back to its original state;
otherwise, you have to delete and recreate the check box (easiest way is to
drag the field from the Data Source task pane).

I assume that the check box works OK in preview mode but just doesn't look
the way you want. By "slight fading gray", you don't mean to say that the
checkbox shows in a disabled state, do you?


Thanks for the response. To answer your question; yes the check box works
fine, and no the fading I mentioned is just the "surface" coloring like all
the buttons on these pages.

Is there any way to "highlight" a checkbox without using Borders and
Shading? I would like to make this checkbox stand out against the others in
the same area.

David Dean

Probably the best way to highlight the check box would be to change the color
or the font style/weight of the text label. Another possibility might be to
put the checkbox in a table cell and set the background color or borders for
the cell.

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