Thanks everyone. I was able to take what ya'll had disclosed here and
solve my challenge. I teach accounting classes and wanted an easy way
for my students to click a button or type a keystroke to create a
checkmark in their Excel spreadsheet. I especially need this in tests
where students are not expected to have good spreadsheet skills, rather
are demonstrating accounting knowledge. The chekmark has specific
meaning on a journal page and that is what I needed to automate "typed"
at will.
I have created a macro that plays with Ctrl+Shift+K that sets the
current cell's fontface to Wingdings font and then inserts the function
=char(252). This character looks like a checkmark in Wingding font.
Start VBA for your worksheet, insert module, paste the below. Save as
an xlsm file (if using Excel 2007). I have also inserted a button and
associated the macro. Clicking on the button or executing the macro with
the shortcut keys produces a checkbox in the current cell location.
Thanks, everyone, for info that helped me solve my particular problem.
Sub check()
' check Macro
' checkmark
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+K
With Selection.Font
Name = "Wingdings"
Size = 12
Strikethrough = False
Superscript = False
Subscript = False
OutlineFont = False
Shadow = False
Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1
TintAndShade = 0
ThemeFont = xlThemeFontNone
End With
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CHAR(252)"
End Sub
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