I have this code
Private Sub Form_Close()
If Me.chkapproved = True Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , to:=, Subject:=[TA Number],
MessageText:="Dear " & [First and Last Name] & ", " & vbCrLf & "Your travel
to " & [Destination] & " on " & [Date Leave] & " " & "has been approved.",
End If
If Me.chknotapproved = True Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , to:=[Email], Subject:=[TA Number],
MessageText:="Dear " & [First and Last Name] & ", " & vbCrLf & "Your travel
to " & [Destination] & " on " & [Date Leave] & " " & "has not been approved.
Pls contact me at your earliest convince." & " " & "Thx Lewis",
End If
If Me.chkapproved = True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Travel Request 0 Layover", acViewPreview, , "[TA
Numbers.TA Number]=[Forms]![Appoved]![TA Number]"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Travel Request 0 Layover", acFormatSNP,
[Request Given to Email], , , "Travel Approved" & " " & [TA Number] & " " &
[First and Last Name], , False
End If
End Sub
With this code if someone checks more than one box. Only the first box is
sent forward. I want everything that is checked to be emailed to the
appropiate person.
Private Sub Form_Close()
If Me.chkapproved = True Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , to:=, Subject:=[TA Number],
MessageText:="Dear " & [First and Last Name] & ", " & vbCrLf & "Your travel
to " & [Destination] & " on " & [Date Leave] & " " & "has been approved.",
End If
If Me.chknotapproved = True Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendNoObject, , , to:=[Email], Subject:=[TA Number],
MessageText:="Dear " & [First and Last Name] & ", " & vbCrLf & "Your travel
to " & [Destination] & " on " & [Date Leave] & " " & "has not been approved.
Pls contact me at your earliest convince." & " " & "Thx Lewis",
End If
If Me.chkapproved = True Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Travel Request 0 Layover", acViewPreview, , "[TA
Numbers.TA Number]=[Forms]![Appoved]![TA Number]"
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Travel Request 0 Layover", acFormatSNP,
[Request Given to Email], , , "Travel Approved" & " " & [TA Number] & " " &
[First and Last Name], , False
End If
End Sub
With this code if someone checks more than one box. Only the first box is
sent forward. I want everything that is checked to be emailed to the
appropiate person.