Check box question



I created an MS Word Form (template) that contains 3 checkboxes and 1
textbox. I coded the checkboxes so that when one is checked, the other two
are unchecked. I am trying to emulate what grouped radio buttons do, where
you can only click one at a time.

When I execute the document, I get the dialog box that askes me if I want to
enable/disable macros. I don't want that to pop up when users execute the
document. Is there a way to stop that from happening without asking the users
to change the security setting in MS Word, or is there another way of
handling what I'm trying to accomplish?

Thank you

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If you create the form as a template and instruct users to install it in the
folder assigned to user templates or workgroup templates *and* if they have
"Trust all installed templates and add-ins" checked on the Trusted Sources
tab of Tools | Macro | Security, there will be no dialog.


Is there a way to do a mail merge into a document that has been protected as
a form. Google has been of little help.
My inclination is that it can not be done, but I am an amateur compared to

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I've never tried to do this, and I'm having a hard time envisioning exactly
what you are trying to accomplish. My gut feeling is that it would not be
possible, but can you provide a better description of where the merge fields
would be placed?


Sorry if I was to vague.
I would like to create a Mail Merge document and then Protect it as Form
(Tools|Protect Document|Form) so no one can change the text. They could then
run a merge to populate the Merge fields with data from an Excel file,
filtering for just the records required (using Office 2002) from Mail Merge
Recipients. The text would always be identical (can not be edited), only the
Merged data would vary.
The questions is: Can I do this with a Word Mail Merge into a protected
Thank you for you time.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I suspect that forms protection and mail merge are incompatible. The merge
fields would have to be in unprotected areas of the document, and the only
way to have (isolate) unprotected areas is with form fields; I don't believe
you can put merge fields in form fields. I could be entirely wrong, however;
I haven't tried this. Have you?


Unfortunately, you would seem to be correct - Mail Merge and Protected forms
are incompatible. The MailMerge tool bar and the menu commands under Letters
and Mailing on the Tools menu are greyed out, therefore rendering MailMerge
I will just have to come up with an alternate plan to accomplish what the
has been required. In any event, thank you very much for you time.

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