Check Box



I have 3 check boxes in a fax cover sheet form, indicating
whether a document will follow by overnight, regular mail
or not be sent.

I have a user form that is used to fill in the information
for the fax cover sheet.

I have 3 option buttons on the user form, one for each
mailing choice. How can I get the option buttons to
connect to the checkboxes (from the Forms toolbar) on my

Thanks for the help

Jay Freedman

Hi, Rich,

Use code like this in your userform, changing the names of buttons and
checkboxes in the obvious way:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim nSel As Integer

' exactly one of the option buttons will
' have a value of True (= -1)
nSel = -OptionButton1 * 1 - OptionButton2 * 2 - OptionButton3 * 3

With ActiveDocument.FormFields
Select Case nSel
Case 1
.Item("Check1").CheckBox.Value = True
.Item("Check2").CheckBox.Value = False
.Item("Check3").CheckBox.Value = False
Case 2
.Item("Check1").CheckBox.Value = False
.Item("Check2").CheckBox.Value = True
.Item("Check3").CheckBox.Value = False
Case 3
.Item("Check1").CheckBox.Value = False
.Item("Check2").CheckBox.Value = False
.Item("Check3").CheckBox.Value = True
End Select
End With
Unload Me
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
OptionButton1.Value = True
End Sub

This assumes you've used checkboxes from the Forms toolbar. For this use,
though, you don't need to protect the document for forms -- the checkboxes
will toggle on and off anyway.

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