Check box



Hi all,

I have put a sample of an exam on an excel sheet,the exam is composed of
20 questions,where the auditee sould select A,B,C or D,I have inserted check
boxes in front of each option.
I have put the same sample in the second tab with the answers,now i want
that if user selects the correct answer in sheet1,that corresponds with the
answers in sheet2,to add 1 to the cell K20..
Does it make sense?


To get the number of correct answers, use:


change the ranges to suit. They can be on different sheets.

Dave Peterson

Unless you can have multiple correct responses, I wouldn't use checkboxes. I'd
use optionbuttons. When you select one of a group, the others won't be

If you want to try, you could use this from Debra Dalgleish's site:

Then you could used the linked cell to return the user's response.

In the second sheet, you could add your correct responses for each question and
then just compare one cell with the other.

And then count the number of correct.



what Dave wrote is - of course - correct, but I wrote my own small utility
to automate the task of creating a multiple choice survey form.

See on my website, then choose Excel, then VBA, then scroll down to Multiple

It contains code to have chechboxes instead of option buttons, WITH the
restriction to choose only one of the checkboxes on a row.


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