Check boxes and Reports




I have created a report that looks like a letter and in
that letter I want to be able to display error messages
specific to a person. The situation is that this database
is made for some people to make certain requests and in
the return letter I am required to point out the problems
with their requests. There is a form where I have created
check boxes with each box representing the letter of the
error. For example error A, B, C, .... and so on. Also,
there is a lookup table with an error description for each
of these letters. I want to be able to check the box for
the letter in the form but have the actual error
description appear in the report. Can you give me a hint
on the code that is required to do that? Is there any
other way?


Duane Hookom

Your "error" should really be stored in a related file so that each error
creates a new record. You can then link the lookup table to the table of
errors. This concept is very similar to the Orders and OrderDetails in
Northwind. One error represents the order detail of a product. This method
makes it very easy to add new error types.

If this doesn't work, it would help to know your current table structure
which I assume has multiple fields for errors.


Hello, thanks for your response. Here is my table

Errors table has the following fields: errorID,
customerID, errorCount, errorDate.

This table is linked to a lookup table which has the
fields errorID and errorDescription.

Each error id has a letter value that corresponds to a
description. What I want to do is to be able to enter the
letter value in the form (or check the letter value box in
the form) and have the actual error description from the
lookup table appear in the report. Is there any easy way
to do that?

Thank you!

Duane Hookom

Join the lookup table to the ErrorID within the report's record source. This
allows you to use the errorDescription in your report.


I actually do have a join between them, but how would I
get just the error description to be put into the report.
Do I just put in the errorDescription field into the
report and will that be linked to the errorID value that
was chosen? Or is there a code that has to be written for


Duane Hookom

If you have errorDescription in the report's recordsource then just place
the field in the report.

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