I'm not sure if this thread/post is being seen -- I'd gotten a response from
Doug Robbins a while back, but I'm having some difficuty with his
instruction. Can you point me in the right direction on this one please?
Previous Post/Thread from yesterday (10/24/06)
Doug -- sorry for the delay in my reply -- I've been spending some time
trying to see if I could make some headway on this project ...
Here's what I'm working with:
I have a template with (1) form (frmMain)
1. The code on the is:
Option Explicit
Private Sub Document_New()
End Sub
2. The code on frmMain is: (****See explanatory Notes****)
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
ActiveDocument.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
'initialize form
Private Sub frmMain_Initialize()
txtCompany.Value = Null
txtProject.Value = Null
txtAddress1.Value = Null
txtAddress2.Value = Null
txtCity.Value = Null
txtState.Value = Null
txtZip.Value = Null
txtName.Value = Null
txtTitle.Value = Null
txtPhone.Value = Null
txtMobile.Value = Null
txtEmail.Value = Null
txtStateFull.Value = Null
cbxProcurement.Value = Null
End Sub
'set document population variables from userform input
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("CompanyCover").Range.Text = txtCompany.Value
.Bookmarks("ProjectCover").Range.Text = txtProject.Value
.Bookmarks("CompanySow").Range.Text = txtCompany.Value
.Bookmarks("ProjectSow").Range.Text = txtProject.Value
.Bookmarks("Address1Sow").Range.Text = txtAddress1.Value
.Bookmarks("Address2Sow").Range.Text = txtAddress2.Value
.Bookmarks("CitySow").Range.Text = txtCity.Value
.Bookmarks("StateSow").Range.Text = txtState.Value
.Bookmarks("ZipSow").Range.Text = txtZip.Value
.Bookmarks("NameSow").Range.Text = txtName.Value
.Bookmarks("PhoneSow").Range.Text = txtPhone.Value
.Bookmarks("MobileSow").Range.Text = txtMobile.Value
.Bookmarks("EmailSow").Range.Text = txtEmail.Value
End With
'Insert Procurement Ts & Cs (****This simply inserts the contes of an
entire file into the Active Document -- I need to be able to discriminate
between which rows in a table to insert into the Active Document****)
Dim sFilePath As String
If cbxProcurement = True Then
sFilePath = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate.Path & "\Shane.doc"
Selection.InsertFile sFilePath, , False, False
Selection.InsertBreak Type:=wdSectionBreakNextPage
'End Insert Procurement T's & C's
'These are the bookmarks on the page to be inserted into
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
With ActiveDocument
.Bookmarks("CompanyProc").Range.Text = txtCompany.Value
.Bookmarks("StateFullProc").Range.Text = txtStateFull.Value
.Bookmarks("Address1Proc").Range.Text = txtAddress1.Value
.Bookmarks("Address2Proc").Range.Text = txtAddress2.Value
.Bookmarks("CityProc").Range.Text = txtCity.Value
.Bookmarks("StateProc").Range.Text = txtState.Value
.Bookmarks("ZipProc").Range.Text = txtZip.Value
.Bookmarks("CompanyProc2").Range.Text = txtCompany.Value
.Bookmarks("Address1Proc2").Range.Text = txtAddress1.Value
.Bookmarks("Address2Proc2").Range.Text = txtAddress2.Value
.Bookmarks("CityProc2").Range.Text = txtCity.Value
.Bookmarks("StateProc2").Range.Text = txtState.Value
.Bookmarks("ZipProc2").Range.Text = txtZip.Value
.Bookmarks("CompanyProc3").Range.Text = txtCompany.Value
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Unload Me
End Sub
EXPLANATORY NOTES: The above codes works, but what I need for it to do is
this --
I've added several additional forms (accessed from frmMain) which have
checkboxes and radio buttons fo the user makes his or her selections. The
the data in the corresponding bookmarks should then be inserted into the when the OK button is clicked. Here are my questions:
1. I need for the SUBMIT button on frmMain to be disabled until the user
makes at least (1) selection from the subordinate forms -- what is the best
way to achieve this?
2. I need for these (10) forms to insert the corresponding bookmarks into a
Table (1) principal -- What I did in the was to take your
advice and bookmark the entire row (spanning 4 columns) -- I'm lost on how
to incorporate your code
I'm kinda wrapped around the axle here -- Could you give me an idea what I
need to do to incorportate this functionality -- for example:
Just a simple list of components needed ... - with sample code
A couple of forms showing code to allow for selected checkboxes/radio
buttons to populate bookmarks in the (active document)
Question: Wouldn't it be much simplier to import the data from an Excel WB,
and if so, what is the best way to associate the
checkboxes/radio buttons on the forms to the Excel workbook (so that only
the selected items/data is inserted into the
Much Thanks In Advance