Check Boxes




I have a worksheet that has check boxes in a number of columns that you
check to indicate if something has been received. The check boxes are in 50
rows in a column named "Signed Agreement Received" I have another column
that is named "Comments" If i put wrap text on in this column in case I have
a lot of text to add in the columns, the check box from the cell below ends
up in the cell above. There are then 2 check boxes in the one row. Is there a
way to have the check box stay in the original cell even if you make row
bigger by wrapping the text. I linked each text box to the cell but it still
moves up

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best regards,



not really.
controls "float" on the sheet and can't really be attached to or put in a
cell. and their position on the sheet can be affected by a number of things.
(as you have discovered)
having realized this myselft so time ago, i use an alternative solution.
instead of a check box, i format the desired cell to font marlett then use
the typed letter a (lower case) to put a check mark in the cell. as a regular
font, you can increase the size, color it, center it etc. and as a regular
typed character in a cell, it don't move around. and you don't have to deal
with 50 different check box controls.

so you might want to try it. might work for you too.


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