Maybe you could just use a macro to populate the range you want.
Option Explicit
Sub addCBX()
Dim myCBX As CheckBox
Dim myCell As Range
With ActiveSheet
.CheckBoxes.Delete 'nice for testing
For Each myCell In .Range("a1:a50").Cells
With myCell
Set myCBX = .Parent.CheckBoxes.Add _
(Top:=.Top, Width:=.Width, _
Left:=.Left, Height:=.Height)
With myCBX
.LinkedCell = myCell.Address(external:=True)
.Caption = "" 'or whatever you want
.Name = "CBX_" & myCell.Address(0, 0)
End With
.NumberFormat = ";;;"
End With
Next myCell
End With
End Sub
If you're new to macros, you may want to read David McRitchie's intro at: